Small Businesses Are Adopting Cloud Services By A Large MarginTraditional web hosting services are on the way out, at least where small and medium sized businesses are concerned. These are the latest findings by, based on a recent survey of SMBs. A staggering 95% of them say they already have, or are planning to migrate from web hosting service companies to cloud hosting.

The reasons for the mass migration are varied, but fall into five broad categories:
• Downtime (35%)
• Poor Performance (33%)
• Increasing Costs (32%)
• Poor Customer Support (26%)
• Server Limitations (25%)

A well-chosen cloud based provider can get your company around all of those limitations, but of course, it’s not a magic bullet. While many companies migrate successfully and with few problems, those that do get mired in difficulty note that the customer service, security and unexpected fees associated with the migration itself are the primary issues.

Undoubtedly, however, the Cloud is the way forward, and SMBs have seen the writing on the wall. They offer the best overall value proposition and can provide a wide range of features from simple storage to off-site data processing to web hosting. And, they can do it all at an attractive price point that just makes it a no-brainer.

The biggest and most attractive feature of cloud-based services is the ease with which additional capability and functionality can be scaled when and as needed. Gone are the days when increasing scale was time and capital intensive. In that way, more than any other, cloud-based service providers have completely shifted the paradigm, and it’s a big win for businesses of all sizes.

If your company has not yet taken the plunge, and you’re not sure if you should, give us a call today. One of our on-site experts will be happy to speak with you, and show you exactly how we may be of service.

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